How To Cure Thrush At Home?

Posted by Cristina Chase | 6:46 AM

Learn how to best cure thrush at home and you never have to buy another cream or ointment from your chemist.

Women between the ages of 18 and 45 are most likely to develop thrush oftentimes just during pregnancy and just before menstruation because it is during these times that the body goes through major hormonal fluctuations which changes the vaginal acidity (pH levels) and contributes to a yeast infection.

Thrush symptoms include: vaginal discharge, persistent vaginal burning and itching along with fatigue. It is no surprise that it becomes quite stressful for some women and this imposes a great infliction to their overall lives and relationships.

Thankfully there are several methods to successfully treat a thrush infection at home, here are some well documented and proven methods that will help bring fast relief and treat symptoms better than most antibiotics drugs and creams that are out there.

Cure Thrush At home with Yogurt.

It's common knowledge that natural yogurt is good for the digestive system and that's because it contains friendly bacteria such as acidophilus that helps our digestive tract from the bad bacteria. Yogurt has been reported by many women to be a great thrush treatment.

Apply yogurt topically, as you would a vaginal cream. Apply it to the affected area or you can choose to insert it into the vagina by dipping a tampon into the yogurt and leaving it in for an hour or more.

Yogurt is also very soothing and relaxing so this should bring relief to the burning and soreness.

Cure Thrush at home with Garlic

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic which helps fight off many types of bacteria and fungi. It's especially effective when it comes to treating thrush.

Simply wrap a fresh clove of garlic in cheesecloth and insert it into the vagina leaving it for a couple of hours.

These are just a few of the best home thrush treatments used to successfully cure a yeast infection without any of the serious health side effects that are often associated with prescribed antibiotics. Many women have reported success with implementing the holistic natural home treatment.

These will permanently cure the root cause of the infection and not just treat the symptoms and will dramatically improve the overall quality of your health and life naturally.

Don't waste time and money on drugs and ointments click here to learn about a cure for thrush that gets rid of thrush quickly and cheaply.