If you have yeast infection symptoms that is a question that needs answering. The reality today is that 3 out of every 4 women end up with these nightmarish infections almost every month, while it's not rare for men to get fungal infections, they do not get them as frequent as women do. The problem is that unless you are addressing the root cause of the infection, candida overgrowth, these infections are here to stay. This article will highlight important information on the relief of these symptoms using standard drugs.

Relieve Yeast Infection Symptoms in Women

Women are prone to fungal infections during pregnancy, after menstruation and during menopause. Common yeast infection symptoms include: vaginal itching, a white and thick vaginal discharge which smells of yeast, vaginal irritation and soreness, discomfort during sexual intercourse and a burning sensation when urinating.
While men are not immune to fungal infections many acquire them through unprotected sex with infected female partners and they also experience similar yeast infection symptoms such as: a white discharge, burning, itching, red and patchy sores on the head of the penis along with redness of the foreskin.

The drugs recommended for vaginal and penile yeast infections contain antifungal agents but in the case of women, many of these cannot be taken if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or are breastfeeding. They all have side effects from minor such as headaches and burning to more serious effects such as shortness of breath and kidney infections. Because many of these drugs are available over the counter it is imperative that you read the label to know what to expect.

These drugs provide temporary relief to yeast infection symptoms, they are not designed to address or eradicate the root cause of the problem. This is the main reason why women experience another bout of candida infection in just a couple of weeks of finishing treatment. Studies show that they cannot stop recurring yeast infections as they do not address the underlying cause of the infection- candida overgrowth.

Overtime the infection becomes drug resistant and despite being prescribed more courses of these treatments, the reality is that you are feeding the body even more antibiotics - the main cause of yeast overgrowth.
The solution many women have found is through the use of alternative treatments based on natural remedies, diet and lifestyle changes which addresses both, the main cause of fungal infections as well as symptoms.
*Note*: There is a sure fire way that is guaranteed to relieve yeast infection symptoms such as vaginal odor and itching within 12 hours - then visit Natural Cures for Yeast Infections.

If you are a victim of constant yeast infections this article will reveal important information on fungal infections which affects millions of women worldwide and what you can do to address this chronic health condition effectively.

You are probably wondering why the medication and drugs you are on, don't work when they are supposed to. You see many of the drugs designed to combat yeast infection symptoms contain antifungal agents. They are just another form of antibiotic. One of the main causes of fungal infections are antibiotics!

Women who experience frequent and constant yeast infection symptoms often complain with a persistent vaginal itch accompanied with vaginal discharge that smells of yeast, discomfort during sexual intercourse, a burning sensation when urinating and irritation and redness of the vagina. There are other related symptoms related to candida overgrowth: fatigue, constipation, skin irritation, depression, muscle aches and memory loss. While this is not considered a serious health condition, when left untreated for a long period it can lead to serious diseases.

Yeast infection symptoms are caused by an overgrowth of yeast (candida) in the body and they are frequent in women just before menstruation, during pregnancy or menopause because during those times the changes in the vaginal pH make it easy for candida to overgrow. A weak immune system causes yeast to overgrow. Our bodies have all the necessary natural defences to combat fungal infections, yeast is common in all our bodies but at times it can overgrow and the only way to fight this, is to address the root cause of the problem.

What affects the growth of yeast?

Regular use of antibiotics - these kill off good bacteria making it easy of yeast to overgrow. Try and stay off them or speak to your doctor about alternative treatments for any other health conditions you have until the symptoms have subsided.
Birth control pills - certain birth control pills have the same effect on our bodies as antibiotics do. Again speak to your doctor about taking you off or offering alternatives.
Our diet - a diet high in sugar, dairy products and refined carbohydrates feeds our bodies even more yeast making it very easy overpopulate. Eliminating these and introducing more fresh fruit and vegetables will build up your immune system. You can then slowly reintroduce these after your the symptoms have subsided.

People with HIV and diabetes are more prone to fungal infections because of their already weak immune system. Stress is another major cause of fungal infections and can have a negative effect on the immune system- learning how to effectively manage stress will help you deal not only with yeast infections symptoms but can eradicate other health problems such as blood pressure and heart disease.

*Note*: There is a sure fire way that is guaranteed to cure constant yeast infections and vaginal odor within 12 hours. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to yeast infections or vaginal odor then this is the most important message you will ever read- Cure Yeast Infections.

(Article was first published in Ezine Articles: Help With Non-Stop Yeast Infection Symptoms! )

Yeast infection symptoms are a painful enough experience to go through the first time but for some women they are a regular occurring nightmare even after they follow through religiously with treatments such as Monistat, Diflucan and Canesten. But why do these antifungal drugs fail at tackling yeast infections permanently? Read on and discover the reason why.

The infection occurs when Candida which is a form of yeast grows out of control. It affects many different parts of the body but the most common form of manifestation occurs in the vagina. They are particularly frequent just before or after menstruation, during pregnancy and during menopause because of the changes in the vaginal pH.

Common yeast infection symptoms
experienced by women include:
  • Vaginal itching which can become very persistent
  • A thick white or yellow vaginal discharge which only has a slight odor.
  • Rawness and redness of the vulva (area around the vagina)
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse. 
The secret to getting rid of yeast infection symptoms is to address the cause of the candida overgrowth. Antifungal medication does not address this issue. They are designed to address the symptoms and while this treatment does work for some women, especially if this is their very first vaginal yeast infections, almost 3 out of every 4 women experience another infection in just a couple of weeks time. This can become very frustrating. Other main symptoms start to arise as yeast spreads such as fatigue, depression, muscle aches, headaches, constipation and skin irritation.

Standard medication is a form of antibiotic; antibiotics kill off good bacteria making it easy for yeast to grow. By feeding your body with more antibiotics you feed yeast creating a vicious cycle. To stop yeast from overgrowing you need to stop the use of antibiotics, change your diet and eliminate or greatly reduce foods that feed yeast such as: all sugary foods, coffee, alcohol, dairy products, refined carbohydrates and eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. You can then slowly reintroduce these in your body.

To get rid of painful yeast infection symptoms such as vaginal itching and odor, use natural remedies such as any of these: tea tree oil, acidophilus cultures, gential violet, oregano oil, garlic and vinegar - these alone are stronger and more effective than some of the standard antifungal medication.

*Note*: There is a sure fire way that is guaranteed to get rid of yeast infection and vaginal odor within 12 hours. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to yeast infection or vaginal odor then this is the most important message you will ever read- Home Remedies For Yeast Infection.

(Article was first published at Ezine Articles: Why You Still Experience Yeast Infection Symptoms Even After Treatment!)