The most effective home treatments for vaginal yeast infections are those that addresses not only the symtomps but the root cause of the infection. This way you will have a better chance to stop recurring vaginal yeast infections.

If you are searching for an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment that cures itching and burning fast then natural remedies is really your best option. They are 100% efficient, cost effective, natural and safe to use. Thankfully this type of treatment makes use of ingredients that you most likely have in your kitchen right now.

Here is how to treat a vaginal yeast infection at home :

# 1 Home Treatment for Vaginal Yeast Infection: YOGURT

Yogurt contains friendly antibiotic bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidus that helps our digestive system fight of bad bacteria. Make sure you choose a plain and unsweetened yogurt. You can apply it directly to the affected area as you would a vaginal cream or you can dip a tampon in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina . This is not only effective at treating the symptoms of vaginal thrush but yogurt is also very soothing and relaxing.

# 2 Home Treatment for Vaginal Yeast Infection: TEA TREE OIL

Tea Tree Oil is a powerful antifungal agent and is very effective when used to treat a vaginal yeast infection. It kills off the bacteria and almost any other type of skin infection. Make sure you use diluted tea tree oil and not 100% concentrated as it is very powerful and add a few drops to a warm bath. Using tea tree oil will reduce the redness and bring relief to the pain associated with a vaginal yeast infection.

Read my own experience on home treatments for vaginal yeast infections here.