yeast infection natural remedies

A yeast infection can be quickly treated with natural remedies. In fact natural yeast infection remedies have become very popular in recent years over drugs and antibiotics. And it is not surprising since most of these prescribed drugs and over the counter medicine also come with serious side effects. Natural remedies work efficiently at killing yeast and the root cause of the infection therefore this type of treatment is more permanent in its effectiveness.

This article will outline some natural remedies for a yeast infection that you could apply to cure the infection permanently within hours.

Natural yeast infection remedies that can be easily prepared from home include: garlic, tea tree oil, vinegar douches and lactobacillus yogurt. Get your step by step guide here as to how best prepare them for maximum effect.

Yeast Infection Natural Remedy #1 Garlic

Garlic is well known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties and is a natural yeast killer. It is most effective when used raw and applied directly into the vagina and left overnight. Repeat this procedure for a couple of nights until symptoms have gone.

Yeast Infection Natural Remedy #2 Tea Tree Oil

Another well known natural yeast killer. Add a few drops to a warm bath and douche in it for 20 - 30 mins. Do this daily until yeast infection is gone.

Yeast Infection Natural Remedy #3 Lactobacillus Yogurt

Lactobacillus Yogurt is effective in combating a yeast infection as it contains friendly bacteria and is useful in restoring the natural pH of the vaginal flora when it comes in direct contact with the vagina. Simply apply some yogurt onto a tampon and insert into the infected vagina for a couple of hours. Look for "live", unsweetened natural yogurt. Continue with this treatment until the infection is subsided.

Yeast Infection Natural Remedy #4 Vinegar Douche

Use apple cider vinegar for this treatment. Vinegar is effective at killing yeast infections quickly. Simply apply half a cup of vinegar to a warm bath and sit it for 20 - 30 mins. Do this treatment daily until the infection is cured.

There are many more natural remedies that effectively cure yeast infections. Not only are they safe to use but they are cost effective and oftentimes it cures the infection faster than drugs and creams.

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(this article was first posted on Yeast Infection Natural Remedies = Natural Yeast Killers!)