Need to know what are the best natural cures for vaginal irritation?

A vaginal irritation can be sign of yeast infection. In fact there are many women out there that get vaginal bacterial infections frequently. For some the infections occur once every 4 to 6 months despite taking prescribed medication for it. The most common cause for yeast infection are the foods that we eat, if you have a sweet tooth in particular, you are more likely prone to getting frequent bacterial infections, because Candida (a type of yeast fungus) feeds on sugar.

For a proper diagnosis of yeast infection your doctor would take a swab before treatment is prescribed. Other women opt to use over the counter creams or pessaries and others use natural home remedies. Most women with yeast infection complain having the following symptoms:

- Severe Vaginal Irritation
- Persistent Vaginal Itching
- Vaginal Discharge which is odourless and is cottage-cheese like
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Pain during sexual intercourse

Natural cures are becoming very popular for treating vaginal irritation and bacterial infections because they are fast acting, cost-effective and easy to use. Here are two effective home natural cures for vaginal irritation:

Tea Tree Oil is a powerful substance used a home remedy for many bacterial infections. Use a drop or two of concentrated tea tree oil in warm water as a healing douche to cure an irritated vagina.

Apple Cedar Vinegar is an excellent way to restore the natural pH and cure vaginal irritation. Add about 3 to 4 tablespoons of vinegar to a bathtub filled with a small amount of warm water. Immerse your lower body and sit in the bath so that the diluted vinegar can enter your vagina.
In the meantime to stop further irritation of the vagina avoid wearing tight clothing and use cotton undies instead of nylon or other synthetic material.