Yeast Infection is caused by an overgrowth in Candida. Vaginal infection is the most common type of yeast infection and more than 75% of all women have suffered with this type of infection at some point in their lifetimes. More than 50% suffer with systematic Candida Overgrowth Yeast Infections. You can treat vaginal yeast infection at home using 3 simple home remedies.
These will provide much needed pain relief to the symptoms and will help get rid of Candida overgrowth.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil should not be used in a concentrated form instead use it diluted as it a very powerful natural antifungal agent and is an excellent remedy for treating vaginal infections and get rid of Candida overgrowth and bringing much needed relief to the burning and itching. Simply add a few drops of tea tree oil to a warm bath and use it as a douche or it can used in conjunction with a tampon.


Garlic is a potent natural home remedy and a yeast killer so it is little wonder that it works efficiently for a vaginal infection and help in getting rid of candida overgrowth. Insert fresh garlic wrapped in cheesecloth into the vagina for a couple of hours.


Natural yogurt comes with friendly bacteria and when applied directly to the affected area it helps restore the natural pH balance inside the vagina fighting off the infection and candida overgrowth. You can also digest yogurt if you choose to but make sure that is is eaten daily and it is live and unsweetened.

All these home remedies will provide much needed pain relief and soothing. Finally as they say prevention is better than cure, so make some dietary changes and avoid yeast breads, biscuits, sugar and limit your alcohol intake and you can permanently cure the root cause of Candida overgrowth and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life naturally without prescription medication and without side effects.

As a former sufferer I lived with candida overgrowth for almost 15 years. I set up Get Rid of Yeast Infection to help similar sufferers find a permanent remedy to this chronic condition, just like I did early in 2008.