Fast Yeast Infection Treatment

Posted by Cristina Chase | 7:00 AM

If you're reading this then it's happened to you too, right? The treatment your doctor prescribed for your yeast infection worked great the first time around, you got rid of it in 3 or 4 days but now, it's been 7 days and your itching seems to be getting worse by the day.

And now you need something that works fast and can relieve you of the burning, the constant itching and painful urination. Women are more prone to yeast infections also known as thrush, because Candida (this yeast fungi is the culprit) loves warm and moist places. And they are particularly frequent just before menstruation.

Most women use a treatment recommended by their doctor. Depending on which part of the world you come from, you are probably familiar with names like Diflucan, Monistat and Canesten. Many women have reported success with this type of treatment. However many women have also reported that these drugs fail after the second infection. One of the reasons is that these drugs become resistant to the infection.

Your second option is to use natural remedies. There are endless reports in medical journals of their success rate used by women worldwide. The main remedies used are garlic, vinegar and yogurt. It is important to get a guide to help you use these remedies properly and specify how much or how frequent they should be used. You can easily get rid of your vaginal yeast infection within days using natural remedies with proper guidance.

As a former sufferer I lived with candida overgrowth for almost 15 years. I set up Get Rid of Yeast Infection Fast to help similar sufferers find a permanent remedy to this chronic condition, just like I did early in 2008. Get rid of the source of Candida overgrowth and you too will stop yeast infection from recurrring. Visit: