A vaginal yeast infection treatment is only really successful if it completely eliminates candida overgrowth and not just superficially mask it by providing temporarily relief. When we choose drugs, antiobiotics, creams or ointments - they provide relief to the symptoms, the itching, the soreness and depending on the severity it could take a week or even two to clear up the infection. And while it is effective in that sense, the infection flares up again for the majority of women out there. Reason being is that the drugs failed to address the root cause of the infection and the drugs have now become resistant to Candida.

The best vaginal yeast infection treatment is one that addresses pain relief clearing up the infection but also kills the root cause of the infection. This way you'll have a better chance of surviving another Candida attack.

With that said there are 5 tips to fast yeast infection treatment that you need to follow in order to clear up a vaginal yeast infection.

1. Most important step for an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment is your diet. Stop eating carbohydrates and refined sugar. Choose whole grain non-gluten products instead. Consume more fresh vegetables and especially garlic. Garlic is also used as a natural remedy for a fast yeast infection treatment when applied directly onto the infected area as it contains strong anti-fungal properties. Many women have reported success in treating vaginal yeast infections with garlic. Simply insert a fresh clove of garlic in the vagina and leave overnight for best results.

2. Proper Hygiene. I know this sounds obvious but it is worth mentioning it. Keep the infected area clean and dry at all times. Choose cotton underwear instead of nylon to allow for natural breathing (candida thrives in moist areas). Avoid using perfumes and deodorants on the infected area.

3. Start eating Live Yogurt on a daily basis. While this may not have the most pleasant taste, it is a wonder drug and will prevent a yeast infection from recurring. For an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment simply dip in a tampon into the yogurt and then insert it into the vagina for a couple of hours. This will give you some relief to the burning you're experiencing right now.

4. Drink Water. Yet another obvious one, this is good for many reasons but it's particularly good for a yeast infection. Aim for 8 glasses of fresh water daily as this will help get rid of excess yeast quicker.

5. Get Walking! Candida thrives in moist places where there is a lack of oxygen. Make your body an unlikely host for candida overgrowth by getting a good supply of oxygen into the bloodstream.

Follow these simple steps for an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment.

There is a step by step treatment designed by a well known health expert that clears up vaginal yeast infections fast using only natural remedies. Yeast infections will become a distant memory with this natural yeast infection treatment.

To discover this simple solution for yourself, and to get relief from vaginal itching and discharge in less than 24 hours, click here to learn more.