Q: What is A Yeast Infection

You should know that the around 10 – 64% of women have suffered from yeast vaginal infections at some stage of their lives and over 90% of people suffered from some type of yeast infection. But what causes the infection in the first place? It is scientifically called candidiasis and may be caused due to growth of several bacteria. The bacteria can oftentimes multiply in number and thrive in moist and warm areas. Common forms of yeast infection include thrush, vaginal, diaper, skin rashes and nail bed infections.

As already mentioned yeast generally occurs in warm areas of the body. Even though the skin can block the growth of Candida albicans, any cuts or breakdown will allow the organisms to penetrate. Oral Infections are more common in adults, the older we get to more frequent they become. It can also affect the area around dentures, under the breasts, in the lower abdomen and even under skin folds.

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Women that suffer from vaginal yeast infection, the most common cause can be the intake of antibiotics or steroids. Furthermore birth control pills, pregnancy, menstruation even diabetes can also contribute to the development of an overgrowth of Candida albicans.

For people that have a weak immune system because of cancer treatments and such, can be easily prone to yeast infections and if not treated in time properly it can become life-threatening.

Other forms of yeast infection can also occur in the heart, eye, kidney and even the brain.

It is vital that you know what a yeast infection is and what causes it in order to fully understand its implications. And since this is a common infection, there are many remedies designed to cure this so you don’t have to worry about finding solutions to eliminate this painful and embarrassing infection.

Now that you know the answer to the question " What is A Yeast Infection? " you need begin treatment as soon as possible. The longer a yeast infection is left untreated or not treated properly the longer it will take to heal.

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