Here are 4 natural treatments to help cure a yeast infection naturally. All these ingredients are inexpensive and if carried out diligently you should see an improvement in as little as 5 - 7 days.

Unsweetened "Live" Yoghurt
This natural remedy has been successfully used to cure yeast infection by many people. Because of its healing properties it helps keep the fungus under control. You can either eat it or apply directly to the affected area.

Another healer - this provides soothing and relief from the pain of a yeast infection besides having powerful healing properties. Apply honey to the affected area just before showering.

Garlic helps cure a yeast infection naturally because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. For a vaginal yeast infection - you can insert a clove of garlic into the vagina and leave it in for a few hours.

Cider Apple Vinegar
An excellent natural treatment for curing a yeast infection naturally. Dilute some vinegar in a warm bath and simply douche with the solution. You should get some instant relief from the pain.

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