Thrush of the vagina can be easily recognized - women with thrush of the vagina experience a thick white discharge, itching, pain during sexual intercourse and a burning sensation during urination.

If you are suffering from vaginal thrush – natural treatments are very effective compared to anti-fungal creams and lotions or antibiotics. Natural treatments have been used right from the days when there were no antibiotics.

Oral Thrush symptoms include – white patches on the inside of the mouth, inflamed, red patches on the skin, bad breath, heavily coated tongue and dry mouth.

Commonly used natural treatments include - garlic, oregano oil, “live yoghurt”, apple cider vinegar, buttermilk or curd made from goats’ milk, tea tree oil, etc. Applied correctly you should get immediate soothing relief.

Recommended food to replace friendly bacteria should include: unsweetened yoghurt (eat daily), fresh vegetables, whole grains and quality sources of lean protein such as beans, lentils, fish and organic poultry. Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds daily and drink up to 8 glasses of pure water a day to help flush out the daily toxins.

As more and more people turn to natural remedies for treating fungal infections, this type of treatment is only going to get more popular. Slowly people have started realizing the side and after effects of antibiotics. If you want to cure thrush naturally and for good then a natural treatment is a must.

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Cure Thrush Naturally with Natural Remedies - original article link.